Backyard Burial
Learning to let go
Just when we were beginning to have doubts about our move, we had one of those magical nights that affirmed our decision. It was a perfect evening, cool but not cold. We dropped Michaela off at a Girl Scouts meeting where the troop was going to watch a movie in someone’s backyard. I was happy to see that she already knew many of the scouts from her school. Then we strolled over to a porchfest concert (which is as it sounds—when one or more bands performs on someone’s spacious porch) and watched an unusually talented high school band play a set. I think we’re going to like it here.
We are on the hunt for a tree to put in the backyard, so the past two weeks I have been scouring nurseries for candidates. I hope we find one soon, since apparently fall is the time to plant one.
This past weekend was Rosh Hashanah and we had dinner with my aunt and my parents. Michaela, my dad, and I went to a secular service on Saturday morning. Later that day our neighbor’s cat left us an offering, which we disposed of in the appropriate manner.
So we all were ticking along, more or less fine, until I committed the ultimate parent sin: I forgot I was supposed to pick up Michaela from after school. (Or was I? We will never know, and it doesn’t matter, because I was the one they called when no-one showed up but my ringer was off.)
Michaela has already recovered from the trauma. Another parent at her school told me that stuff like this (i.e., mild traumatic experiences) is actually good for kids, because it teaches resilience. I’m going with that.
PS: Here’s an excellent podcast episode about the song “Closing Time” by Semisonic which was recommended to me by Ed Park after he read my last post. Well worth your time, I promise.