TODAY'S LETTER IS a short one, dear Mushroom Heads. I have been looking for something for our family to do on January 2oth, a holiday dedicated to honoring a man who fought tirelessly to secure civil rights for black people, which happens to coincide with the presidential inauguration of a man who cares little for protecting these hard-won civil rights, indeed seems hellbent on trashing any and all rights. I think that this tour at the Art Institute might be a good way to spend the day. But if you have a chance to attend a singalong screening of the anti-fascism movie Wicked, that could work too. Especially if it means you can belt your heart out under cover of darkness as I did a few weeks ago (or at least I assumed I was singing under cover of darkness...).

Three Things That Kept Me Going This Week
- I love the first three tracks of the new album by Bad Bunny, DeBÍ TiRAR MáS FOToS. I wish I could say I love the whole thing but I can only take so much reggaeton unless I were listening to it in a nightclub in San Juan. But when I hear those first few tracks I bop and sway like I’m in that nightclub even though I never leave my chair.
- Just last week I was saying that I needed to pack go-bags...and the latest episode on The Best Advice Show tells me how to do just that.
- Chad and I started watching Mr Bates vs The Post Office and it is exactly the David vs Goliath story I need right now—particularly since it involves sketchy technology in which authorities put undue faith.
That's it for me today, friends. Please let me know what you have planned for MLK day. I hope whatever you do, you have a beautiful day.
Love, Claire
Farewell to the man who gave my generation the best television theme song in history (and so much more)
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Half Mast
Should you have a chance to attend a singalong screening of Wicked, here's what not to do